Prescription Orthotics

Using the latest technology to produce high quality, custom made orthotics, specific for your foot and your body.

Orthotics are a specific type of orthopaedic insole that are worn inside the shoe to help the biomechanics of the foot. This reduces stress on fascia, tendons, muscles and joints of the foot and lower limb, helping to alleviate symptoms and restore normal function. The orthotics help your body meet the demands of daily life, A 2011 review Trusted Source concluded that adults over the age of 18 take anywhere from 4,000 to 18,000 steps per day.

Orthotics are used to address a wide range of biomechanical problems in the lower limb and pelvis such as plantar fascitis, shin splints, fallen arches, foot pain, heel pain, knee pain, hip pain and low back pain to name but a few.

As everyone is unique we can provide a custom made orthotic specific for your needs ranging from those designed for work boots, the diabetic foot, dress shoes, daily wear or sport specific devices. You can also choose the length of your orthotic and the type of covering.

Your consultation involves full body biomechanical assessment coupled with our Gaitscan Technology from The Orthotic Group, TOG. Treatment options include manual techniques to improve foot mobility, adjustment of the low back and pelvis to improve lower limb biomechanics, soft tissue techniques (ART and fascial release), home exercises and orthotic prescription.

What People Say

Celia and Harry
Please accept this present in recognition of all you have done for us since 2005. Though we are really sad to see you go, we hope your new life in Ireland is a great success both personally and in your career. We shall miss you, but the good people of Donegal will benefit. We have appreciated your efforts to keep us “creaking” along all these years. The orthotics in particular have been amazing- they cured Harry’s Achilles problem!

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